Tuesday 10 January 2012


I am totally enamored by these sandwiches! Foremost as they don’t look or taste like a sandwich; perhaps part of the reason for my overwhelming admiration! They are fit for a queen, given their delicate nature and fine ingredients (fish roe can be substituted for caviar if your budget and ethical position permits). The combination of fish roe, olive tapenade and Persian feta on top could just as well be jewels in the Queen’s crown. And they taste divine. So why is this such a swindle? Nobody will ever guess that they have a base of white bread!

Such a versatile canapé, really. They can be served for morning, afternoon or high tea and also pre-dinner or pre-lunch nibble. I find basil and dill to be the most apt herbs to use as the filling, given their piquant taste, though you can get extra adventurous and use super fresh thyme! Quality of the butter is important, as is the shape. A perfect circle departs from typical sandwich form and helps to seal your deception.

Captive companion: Paul, my favorite Queen
Captive location: A hot new design studio in Singapore.
Captivating comment: “Ummm doll, can you pass me another of those little canapé things!”
Captive drop: Champagne darling…

1 loaf of white bread, sliced lengthways (if possible)
1 cup of basil
1 cup of dill
50g olive tapenade
50g Persian feta cheese or chèvre (goats cheese)
50g fish roe
50g French butter

1.     Butter two slices of bread, add basil or dill to top and sandwich with second slice
2.     Cut off the crust
3.     Using a rolling pin, roll the bread flat
4.     Take a round cookie cutter and push out the maximum amount of discs from the slice.
5.     Top each disc with a pinch of cheese, fish roe and olive tapenade
6.     Repeat until all ingredients have been utilized
Pop the champagne darling!

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