Monday 5 March 2012


There is nothing more special than that grand dinner party. The ones you spend weeks planning, days organizing and then months reflecting back fondly. The ones that your guest will talk about for years.  But, as gratifying as it is, it is hard work. And I’m sometimes so frazzled in the lead up that it takes the joy out of cooking with unique ingredients.

But of late I have found a way to reconcile my yearnings for grand dinner parties, but hesitancy to invest so much time in one night. Simplicity and quality ingredients. And also a little bit of creative flare. I know it seems like another modern foodie cliché, but it’s a cliché because it so true. Making just one dish that shines, in a casual manner puts your guests at ease and gives your evening an effortless flow. This eggplant spread is both sophisticated and simple, and certainly very tasty (thus memorable). It’s great to have with drinks, and if eating around meal time, you could serve it with a green salad or crudités or a cheese platter. And you can make it well in before your guests are due to arrive, freeing yourself up to be your fabulous self!

Captive companion: Benjamin, my lovely neighbor
Captive location: Rainbow Mansions, Singapore
Captivating comment: “Oh my god, what is in this?”
Captive drop: Bottle of Australian Sauvignon Blanc or/and Tiger Beers

3 eggplants
3 onions, chopped super fine
5 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of olive oil
25grams of butter
¼ cup coriander
1 red chili
1 loaf of sourdough bread, toasted

1.     Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2.     Pierce the eggplants with several insertions, place in the oven. Cook for 30-40 minutes or until the total eggplant has collapsed and is soft. Remove from oven and cool.
3.     Meanwhile, heat oil and butter in a pan over low heat and add onions and whole garlics. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally until onions are almost decomposed. Either remove garlics or if brave, mash with a folk and stir through.
4.     Scrape out inner membrane of eggplants into a colander, allow to drain, dispose skin, chop membrane roughly, then add it to the pan of onions. Cook over low heat for another 5 minutes.
5.     Allow to cool, stir in coriander and chili. Serve with toasts. 

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