Thursday 23 February 2012


I’m rarely inspired to recreate a restaurant dish in my own kitchen. It’s not that I don’t dine out often. And yes, I do find many restaurant creations brilliant. But I believe the two styles belong in completely different domains. Without the utensils, specially sourced ingredients, egotistical chefs (and apprentice chefs to perform all that tedious prep), how could I possible recreate something of restaurant caliber? Surely it’s far better to uphold your culinary integrity with a ‘home cooking’ style than to attempt something that belongs in restaurant territory?

But last week, whilst enjoying a Pinot Grigio at Lantern Bar in Singapore, I discovered something that I thought I could almost recreate. And I did. I lost my restaurant replication virginity.  NIPPON INSPIRED TACO BITES are the perfect snack when sharing a bottle of white with a girlfriend. Substantial enough to absorb the alcohol and keep the hunger pangs at bay, thanks to the avocado and pita crisp. Sophisticated enough to command a fine wine, thanks to the undertones of Japanese flavors. And fun enough to elicit mischievous conversation.

Captive companion: Ma petite Kasey, bold enough to try any restaurant recreation.
Captive location: On the balcony of Kasey’s Portsea beach house.
Captivating comment: “It really was so easy and I think they taste better than the originals.”
Captive drop: A bottle of Pinot Grigio (the best you can justify)

2 pieces of pita bread
25ml of olive oil
1 avocado, cut into cubes and roughly mashed
¼ cup of Tobico (flying fish roe, available from Japanese supermarkets)
cup of Bonito flakes (shavings of smoked dried fish, also available from Japanese supermarkets)
Juice of one lime
1 tablespoon of soy sauce

1.     Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
2.     Slice pita bread in half lengthways, then in half again (perpendicular to original cut). Then cut each quarter in half so that you have 8 even triangular slices. Repeat with second piece.
3.     Lightly brush the pita with the olive oil.
4.     Place in the oven for 10-20 minutes or until golden brown.
5.     Meanwhile mix the avocado, half the Tobico, lime juice and soy sauce in a bowl.
6.     Once crisp pita has cooled, add avocado mix, top with ¼ teaspoon of Tobico on each slice, then finish with bonito flakes.

NOTE: If you really want to jazz these up and also cover off nearly every nutritional food group, add a slice of lightly seared sashimi tuna! So healthy, so yummy!

Recipe Inspiration: Lantern Bar, Singapore

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