Monday 20 February 2012


Simple yet chic! An unexpected yet genius combination! A reinvented classic! I could be describing fashion or food as there are several parallels between the two industries. They are both driven by trend, though fashion moves much faster. They both have lavish festivals and shows. Both foodies and fashionistas love dinning out at hip restaurants, though foodies want to try everything on the menu and fashionistas want to manipulate each dish to conform to the latest diet movement.  

Breaking a conventional, well-regarded rule in fashion or food is both bold and risky. In fashion, it could be wearing socks with open toed heels. In food it could be reconstructing a tomato soup so that it is served in a cylindrical swirl with small micro shavings of Parmesan. Perhaps not as risky is taking an ingredient or piece that traditionally stands alone and pairing it with a fridge or wadrobe staple. Edamame are a perfect starter to a Japanese meal, though if you’re taking a more Euro angle on your dining journey, these EDAMAME AND GOAT’S CHEESE CRUSTS are divine. Super easy, super simple, super chic!

Captive companion: The lovely Emma, she has the talent to break fashion rules and pull it off!
Captive location: Roof top bar in Melbourne on a summer afternoon.
Captivating comment: “Oh wow…I’ve never seen these with Goat’s cheese before!”
Captive drop: A bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc

100g of goat’s cheese feta (I prefer Meredith)
10 slices of rye or sourdough bread
2 cups of edamame
Cracked pepper

1.     Cook edamame in a pot of boiling water for 10 minutes. Allow to cool, then push beans out of pods.
2.     Toast bread (cut slices in half for bite size).
3.     Spread feta evenly across all the slices.
4.     Top with edamame then finish with cracked pepper.

Recipe Source: Joy the Baker:

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