Monday 6 February 2012


My favorite heure of the day: l’heure d’apero! Made even more enjoyable if in Paris. Such a modest indulgence really. An innocent drink en terrace with great company, watching a parade of Parisians. Peanuts, Greek olives and a waft of tobacco…it could be the calm before the storm…or just the calm before the calm.

What is also super nice is to host a few close friends for un apero at your apartment. Casual yet sophisticated. It could be just before you depart for the theatre or cinema or new Bobo restaurant in the quartier. Or it may even progress to an extended apero. Regardless, cherry tomatoes (and maybe a finely sliced saucisson) are the perfect munchies to have with un apero!

But perhaps you want to make an understated effort. So try these CHICHI CHERRY TOMATOES. An easy culinary maneuver, using ingredients that many would already have in their larder. And voilà, instantly impressed apero partners.

Captive companions: Cynthia and Sophie H, my adopted sœurs parisiennes
Captive location: My former Paris studio, 12 rue de Picardie, 75003
Captivating comment: “I made the most embarrassing language fault when I was flirting with this boy in French last night”
Captive drop: Un Kir

1 punnet of cherry tomatos, sliced in half (best quality you can afford)
1 bunch of basil
20 shaves of Parmesan
20 Carrs melts (or high quality wheat based biscuit)
30ml of balsamic vinegar concentrate (available at quality providores)

1.     Lay out biscuits on a serving plate.
2.     Arrange 4-6 cherry tomato halves on top.
3.     Using a pastry brush, paste a small amount of balsamic concentrate onto the cherry tomatoes.
4.     Top with one or two basil leaves.
5.     Finally top with a shaving of Parmesan.

NOTE: You could also use tartlet cases, for a super sophisticated finish. 

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